Services of the building supervision include (according to the Estonian Ministery of Economy and Communications, “Procedures of the Implementation of the Owner Supervision”):

The Control Over:

  • Conformity of the building project to requirements.
  • Conformity of a structure to the building project.
  • Using the products corresponding to the requirements during the construction of the building.
  • Having the right engineer-technical documents.
  • Conformity of engineer-technical documents to requirements.
  • Quality of the civil work.
  • Safety of the civil work.
  • Control over the execution of the contract.

Quality control of fabricated metals and welding procedures include:

  • Monitoring of observance of major requirements to be applied to fabricated metals and their components in conformity with standards EN, ISO.
  • Quality control of welding, end product or units.
  • Inspection of welding procedures documentation.
  • Detection of external defects of welded units.

Quality control of works on corrosion and fire safety protection of steel structures in accordance with ISO12944 and NORSOK M-501 contains:

  • Quality control of surface preparation (purity, roughness, salt content).
  • Control of coating thickness according to specification.
  • Development of anti-corrosion and fire safety protection procedures.

Services of the engineering supervision outside the construction site (Independent Control Service) include:

  • Control over the quality and quantity of hardware that is part of the building and/or construction (walls, trusses, piers, face and roof units, windows, doors, etc.).
  • Control over the quality and quantity of the utility equipment (appliances or parts of appliances used for heating, lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply and sewerage of the buildings).

Independent control of the equipment and hardware is carried out in places of manufacture, unloading or loading sites, places of delivery, and is intended to ensure their correspondence to the existing standards on every stage of construction.


What building supervision of the proprietor is necessary for.

When we begin to build a new building or start a renovation of the old one, we can not predict all the difficulties expecting us in the future.
In the building market there are a lot of offers, so we have a question of what to prefer and whether this choice is right.

Investing to our own house, we would like to get modern, comfortable and qualitative one completely meeting our needs and desires.

Construction and renovation of the house can be too expensive. Indulgences in the questions of quality do not reduce the price of it, but raise charges as the subsequent liquidation of lacks may be too expensive.
If one does not have enough knowledge and experience of building industry, it can be very difficult to provide supervision, organization and control of all building works by oneself. In such cases it is necessary to ask advice from the professional building management expert, who will do his best to solve the organizational questions and carry out supervision of the structure.

The main purposes of the owner supervision are to follow up all project’s positions, to manage the technical documentation and to carry out the control of the quality of the civil works.